Access Quality Water Always


VISION To provide and facilitate access to quality water in order to prevent waterborne diseases and save lives.

AQWALIFE is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing and facilitating the access to safe drinking water in underprivileged areas.

Water scarcity is a serious problem facing the world today and affects on in three people on every continent.  Four children will die every minute over a FIXABLE problem.  Today, nearly one billion people do not have access to safe water.

AQWALIFE’s Mission is to provide safe drinking water to fight against these PREVENTABLE deaths.  Our goal is to take corrective action in stopping the spread of waterborne diseases such as cholera, typhoid and malaria, and aid in resolution both in the US and abroad.

Water is so precious but taken for granted.  The best news is we are not waiting on a cure!  We have the knowledge; we just need the resources.

The official registration and financial information of AQWA-LIFE FOUNDATION may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999.  Registration does not imply endorsement.