Aqwalife assisted in the Local Washington County areas of need. The Greater Washington County Food Bank came to mind knowing that this thirty year old non-profit organization collects stores and distributes grocery items to low income families in Washington County, PA through a network of thirty six pantries.
And the Washington City Mission, a non-denominational, Christian, social services organization, which provides critically, needed goods and services to homeless, poor, and needy of Western Pennsylvania. The Mission serves over one hundred fourteen thousand hot meals a year and provides shelters for Men, Women and Children.
In order to do this Aqwalife partnered with Aquatech International. Its 250 employees pulled together to purchase and collect various food, household items, and monetary donations over a six week time frame. Aquatech International matched this amount. Total donations equal to $6,590 in product was given to the Washington City Mission from Aqwalife and the same amount of $6,590 in product was also given to The Greater Washington County Food Bank. This made a grand total donation of $13,180 from Aqwalife to these two local charities.
Aqwalife would like to thank the representatives from the Washington Sam’s Club and Target for their input, time, and help to provide these urgently needed items for the charities.